The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 6, 2004

7:00 am
Shiite and Sunni Opposition to Occupation
Nabil al Hadithy, Iraqi American Peace Activist, and Christian Parenti, author of the forthcoming book, The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq

7:30 am
"Reason for Hope: The Reunion of the Eagle and the
Condor, an evening with Dr. Jane Goodall"
Sat. 4/17 7:30, Marin Vet’s Auditorium tics (415) 499-6800

8:00 am
Aesthetics of the Pacific Islands
Siu Tuika, Sonia Manjon, and Ping-Ann Addo, Tonight 7 PM Timken Hall, Calif. College of the Arts 1111 Eighth St. SF, info (510) 594-3763.

8:30 am
Censoring Non-profits
Guests Ellen Friedman, Vice President of the Tides Foundation, and Kim Klein, founder and publisher of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal.

Morning Show Segue Music:

Time: 1st hour

Artist: Jimmy Yancey

Title: How Long Blues

Album: Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues: Piano Blues

Label: Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

Time: 1st hour

Artist: Joe Willie "Pinetop" Perkins & Marcia Ball

Title: Carmel Blues

Album: Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues: Piano Blues

Label: Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

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