Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing; CODEPINK Repeatedly Disrupts Brennan Hearing Calling Out Names Of Civilians Killed in Drone Strikes; “He Was The Agency”: Ex-CIA Analyst Questions Brennan Claim He Couldn’t Stop Waterboarding, Torture.
February 8, 2013
CIA Pick John Brennan Defends Drone Strikes, Targeted Killings
CODEPINK Protests Force Delay to Brennan Hearing; 8 Arrested
Tunisia: Tens of Thousands Mass for Burial Procession of Assassinated Opposition Leader
Iraq Bombings Kill 31 in Seventh Consecutive Friday Attack
U.S. Media Agreed to Cover Up Location of Saudi Drone Base
Manhunt Continues for Ex-LAPD Cop Wanted for Shootings
California Lawmakers Introduce New Gun Control Measures
Panetta: Top Officials Backed Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels
Bangladeshi Man Arrested in FBI Sting Pleads Guilty to Fed Reserve Bomb Plot
Autopsy: Mexican Teenager Shot Multiple Times from Behind by Border Patrol
North Dakota Senate Passes Measure Threatening Abortion Access
Northeast Prepares for Massive Blizzard
Horsemeat Found in British Beef Lasagna, Pulled from Shelves