“The Invisible War,” a film about military sexual abuse of women, has been nominated for an Oscar for best documentary feature and one in five women in military service who have been the
victim of sexual assault. Incredibly, women who’ve been sexually abused in military service have a higher incidence of PTSD than men who’ve been in combat.
This week, Pushing Limits tells one of these stories with an interview of Pat O’Daly, the first Air Force woman to work airplane mechanics on a flight line. Thirty-five years later, she continues to
deal with PTSD as a result of the sexual harassment.
We continue speaking about PTSD with Vietnam-era veterans Jim Swasey and Sunny Campbell. Our producer Steve Howdyshell also reads and discusses poems by fellow Gulf War veteran Bob Tryan.
Hosted by Shelley Berman. Produced by Steve Howdyshell. Production help by Adrienne Lauby.