The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – March 1, 2004

Conflicting reports on the ouster of Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide.. Congresswoman Maxine Waters says Aristide told her he was kidnapped from Haiti by U.S. forces, but fellow Congressional Black Caucus member Charles Rangel says Aristide left in the face of a coup when U.S. authorities told him they could not protect his life

Bush Administration officials deny charges that they abducted Aristide, calling the claim absurd

Haitian rebels occupy the National Police Headquarters in Port au Prince.. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says the U.S. will send up to 2 thousand troops to Haiti to head an international force

70 thousand Southern California grocery workers prepare to return to their jobs after voting to approve a new contract with the supermarket chains

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spends the final day of his campaign to get voters to approve a 15 billion dollar bond proposal

The Democratic Presidential candidates campaign across the country on the eve of Super Tuesday.. we’ll look at the leading Green Party Presidential candidates

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