The Morning Show

The Morning Show – February 24, 2004

7:00 am
Crisis in Haiti. Larry Birns, director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, and Jim Morrell, Executive Director of the Haiti Democracy Project.

7:30 am
Loolwa Khazzoom, editor of "The Flying Camel: And Other
Essays by Women of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Heritage" (signing Thursday 2/26 Black Oak Books
1491 Shattuck in Berkeley 7:30 PM)

8:00 am
Proposition 56 (Budget Passage with 55% not 2/3rd ‘s)
Yes: David Paulson, spokesperson for Coalition for Prop 56 – in studio

No: Carol Evans, VP and legislative director of California Taxpayers Ass’n

8:30 am
Propositions 57 ($15 billion Bond) and 58 (Balance Budget)
Yes: Martyn Hopper, Calif. State director of the National
Federation of Independent Businesses
No: Tim Redmond, executive editor of the SF Bay

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