The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – January 27, 2004

  • They’ve been counting the votes for an hour now in the Democratic Presidential Primary in New Hampshire and it’s relatively easy victory for Senator John Kerry, Howard Dean finishes second and Senator John Edward and General Wesley Clark are battling for third
  • A bloody day in Iraq – 6 American soldiers are killed, 2 Iraqi civilians die and 2 employees of CNN are slain – President Bush insists Saddam Hussein posed a threat to America last year despite his outgoing arm inspector’s conclusion that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction
  • The American Civil Liberties Union brings a complaint to the United Nations charging that Muslim immigrants in the United States were unfairly detained and deported in the wake of the September 11th attacks
  • A coalition of parents, teachers, and school board members call on the State Superintendent of Schools to rein in the state-appointed chief of the Oakland schools – they’re trying to save 5 public schools from closure
  • The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors with a unanimous vote asking the State department of health to prevent what workers call an unscrupulous operator from taking over a Menlo Park Nursing Home
  • And the Federal Communications Commission wants to fine Clear Channel Broadcasting three-quarters of a million dollars

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