Making Contact

Making Contact – Cities Underwater: Venice and New Orleans Seek Solutions

We’ve all seen how high water devastated New Orleans.  But another historic Jewel, Venice, Italy, is struggling to plan for sea level rise, in a city that already routinely floods because of questionable urban planning.  On this edition, Producer Zoe Sullivan takes us to both Venice and New Orleans, to look at some creative solutions they’re trying, and what other coastal cities might do as the effects of climate change set in.



Tim Kerner, Mayor of Jean Lafitte, LA; Dr. Denise Reed, University of New Orleans Geology professor; Greg Miller, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal restoration Branch chief, John Barry, ‘Rising Tide” author; Scott Eustis, Gulf Restoration Network Coastal Wetland Specialist; Giovanni Cecconi, Consorzio Venezia Nuova Chief Engineer; Pino Sartori, Associazione La Salsola Vice president; Jane Da Mosto, Venice in Peril research fellow; Emily Clark, Tulane University History professor; David Waggoner, Architect, Alberto Vitucci, La Nuova journalist; Gabriele Zennaro, store owner in Venice, Liz & Jody Sigler, New Orleans residents, Carlo Magnani, Venice Institute of Urban Architecture architect, Cristiano Gasparetto, Venice resident; Earl Long, Former Louisiana Governor



For More Information:


Venice and Its Lagoon-UNESCO

Venice in Peril

Louisiana’s 2012 Coastal master Plan 

Gulf Restoration Network

Consorzio Venezia Nuova

Dutch Dialogues 

USGS National Wetlands Research Center-Land Changes for Coastal Louisiana


Venice Institute of Urban Architecture


Gal Holiday and the Honky Tonk Revue



Articles, Reports:


Saving Venice From the Sea by John Keahey

Interview with John M. Barry, author of ‘Rising Tide’

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