Attorney General Eric Holder Defends Legality of Targeted Killings of U.S. Citizens Overseas; Freedom University: Undocumented College Students in Georgia Forced to Attend Underground School; Anti-Nuclear Groups in Georgia Seek to Block First New Nuclear Plants in U.S. in Decades; Stephen Cohen on Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Opposition and Perils of U.S.-backed “Democracy Promotion.”
March 6, 2012
Iran to Allow Nuclear Inspectors into Secret Military Complex
Obama Urges Netanyahu to Back Off on Military Threats Against Iran
Retired Generals Sign Open Letter Opposing War with Iran
Holder Defends Killing of U.S. Citizens Overseas
Death Toll in Attack on Yemeni Troops Tops 185
Voters Head to Polls in “Super Tuesday” Primaries
Russia: More than 600 Arrested for Protesting Putin’s Election
China’s Envoy to Press Syria for Ceasefire
Sen. John McCain Calls for Air Strikes Against Syria
White House Moves G8 Meeting from Chicago to Camp David
Fewer Gitmo Prisoners Rejoining Militant Groups than Previously Reported
Ecuador: 12 Arrested Inside Chinese Embassy for Protesting Copper Mine Deal
Thousands Protest Higher Education Cuts in California
Two Arrested in Idaho for Attempting to Block Passage of Tar Sands Equipment
Black Students Face Much Harsher Punishments in Public Schools