Bradley Manning Hearing: Alleged WikiLeaks Whistleblower in Military Court, 19 Months After Arrest; Adrian Lamo, Bradley Manning Informant, Defends Role in Turning in Alleged WikiLeaks Whistleblower; Bradley Manning Faces Life Sentence, While Criminals WikiLeaks Exposed Have Suffered No Consequences–Glenn Greenwald; Obama Prepares to Authorize Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens For First Time Since McCarthy Era–Glenn Greenwald on NDAA;Obama Prepares to Authorize Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens For First Time Since McCarthy Era–Glenn Greenwald on NDAA.
North Korea Leader Kim Jong-il Dies of Heart Attack
Pre-Trial Hearing For Army Whistleblower Bradley Manning Enters Fourth Day
Clashes in Egypt Leave 14 Dead
Tunisia: One-Year Anniversary of Mohamed Bouazizi’s Self-Immolation Passes
Thousands Protest Disputed Russian Election, Anti-Corruption Journalist Murdered
Occupy Wall Street NYC Marks 3-Month Anniversary With Re-Occupation Attempt
Tax Break For 160 Million Americans in Doubt As Republicans Threaten To Reject Extension
Newt Gingrich: Judges Should Defend Unpopular Decisions Before Congressional Hearings
Philippines Typhoon Leaves 680 Dead, 800 Missing
Lori Berenson Prevented From Leaving Peru Despite Ruling to Allow For Trip Home
Former Czech Leader Vaclav Havel Dead at 75