Israel Intercepts Gaza-Bound Flotilla; Dozens Detained Including Democracy Now! Correspondent; U.S. Drone Kills 16-Year-Old Pakistani Boy Days After He Attends Anti-Drone Organizing Meeting; Egypt’s Military Widens Crackdown as Prominent Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah Remains Imprisoned; 10,000 Surround White House to Protest Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline.
Today’s Headlines
Greek Prime Minister Seals Deal to Step Down amid Formation of National Unity Government
Israel Warns Attack on Iran is Increasingly Likely
Israel Intercepts Gaza-Bound Aid Flotilla, Dozens Detained Including Democracy Now! Correspondent
Occupy Wall Street Movement Enters Eighth Week with Continued Arrests Around the Country
Second Iraq War Veteran, Occupy Supporter Seriously Injured by Police in Oakland
U.S. DEA Deploying Commando Squads Throughout Central America, Caribbean
Scores of Pro-Democracy Activists Killed in Syria Despite Peace Plan
Colombian Military Kills Rebel FARC Commander Alfonso Cano
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Poised for Re-Election
Former Military General Accused of Torture, Genocide Wins Guatemala Presidential Election
10,000 Protesters Surround White House Calling on Obama to Reject Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline