Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – January 7, 2007

In our first hour…

The New Congress: What’s on Democrats’ agenda? What’s not? And what should be? What about impeachment?

Our guests:

Former U.S. Representative, Elizabeth Holtzman. Holtzman is a lawyer, and the co-author of "The Impeachment of George W. Bush" (Nation Books).

Clarence Lusane, American University Professor in the School of International Service, author of the recent "Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice: Foreign Policy, Race, and the New American Century".

And in our second hour…

As the New Year begins, we’ll take a look at the practices of mindfulness and non-violence. Journalist and mindfulness teacher/practitioner Wes "Scoop" Nisker co-hosts this segment.

Our guests:

Minddulness practitioner Jeanie Seward-McGee is the author of the new book "A Mindful Way: 8 weeks to Happiness" (Parallax Press)

Award-winner author Mark Kurlansky’s new book is "Non-violence: Twenty-five Lessons from the History of a Dangerous Idea (Modern Library Paperbacks).

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