7:00 am
Sideshows in Oakland.
Wilson Riles, former Oakland City Council member; Yap, participant in sideshows and producer of the video "Sydewayz"
about sideshows.
Labor with David Bacon Iraqi trade unionists in town
Interview with Ghasib Hassan:
Trade unionists.
Betsy Leondar-Wright, communications director at United for a
Fair Economy and author of Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance
Building for Middle-Class Activists; Dawn Philips, organizing director of Just Cause Oakland, a membership-based organization mobilizing for policies that produce social and economic justice in low-income communities of color; Ingrid Chapman, organizer/trainer with the Catalyst Project, which
does cross-class anti-racist organizing in
predominantly white communities of social justice activists, and
builds alliances with low income and working-class organizations of color.
8:00 am
Environmental and Buddhist activist Joanna Macy talks about the end
of oil.