The Morning Show

The Morning Show – April 13, 2005

7:00 am
John Negroponte and John Bolton.
Tom Barry, policy director of the International Relations Center and author of the recent article UN Basher as UN Ambassador: Bolton’s Baggage.;
Robert Parry, author of the book Secrecy &
Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq
editor of

7:30 am
David Bacon on Labor. Jesus Martinez, professor at Cal State Fresno, serves on the state Chamber of Deputies in Michoacan from the Party of the Democratic Revolution, representing the state’s residents living in the United States.

8:00 am
Scandal in Canada.
William Johnson, veteran Canadian Journalist and News analyst for CPAC
forthcoming biography of Steven Harper, leader of the Conservative Party.

8:30 am
Opal Palmer Adisa, Poet and Parenting Editor: "Caribbean Passion", National Poetry Month.

8:45 am
The Prescott Clowns of West Oakland. Aileen Moffitt, director, Prescott Circus of West Oakland;
Shaka-Zulu, 3rd generation, stilt-walker and former Green Bay Packer. Friday, April 15th 12 noon City Hall Plaza, Oakland and 5:30 pm Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland. Free

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