Good evening. It’s Wednesday, March 16th…the U.S. Senate narrowly votes to approve oil drilling in the environmentally sensitive Arctic National Wildlife Refuge…
Iraq’s newly elected interim parliament is sworn in today — but the divided body conducts no business…
Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi appears to back down from his surprise announcement that he would begin to withdraw troops from Iraq by September…today Berlusconi says the date was a hope that could be changed.
Israel withdraws its troops from the Palestinian town of Jericho — but maintains a checkpoint on its outskirts …
Civil disobedience at a Caterpillar dealership in San Leandro marks the two year anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie, who was crushed by a Caterpillar bulldozer in Gaza while defending a Palestinian home from demolition.
And President Bush selects Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz to become President of the World Bank…