Middle East Radio Project will continue with the second and the final part
of the Armenian Genocide programs on the Voices From the Middle East and
North Africa program. In the first part, aired January 19th, the history,
reasons behind the events and the participants in this horrific event of
1915 was introduced. In the second part on March 2nd, more in-depth
analysis and study will be brought to the listeners.
Why the Armenians were chosen for "transfer", what constitutes a modern
nationalistic mind, how the development and penetration of capitalism as a
dominant economic system concealed the class exploitation and the reality
behind religious and ethnic differences? Answers to these questions and
more will be discussed as well as personal stories of the children of the
families who survived the genocide will be played. Both Armenian and
Turkish professors of history will take part in explaining these events
that have shaped the Middle East.
The relevance of this genocide is obvious today as we see more nationalism
and more artificial divisions being paraded as models of peace in the
region. New borders are being drawn and national, ethnic and religious
identities are being praised as if dividing people on these artificial
categories present an answer to class exploitation, religious hatred,
racism, nationalism or imperialism.
The lessons of the Armenian genocide are too important to be missed..
especially in our day when millions of people are still being exiled and
murdered for the same reasons we saw in 1915.
More details can be found at the Middle East Radio Project’s web site:
www.me-radio.org. You can contact the producers or the collective at [email protected]