Federal Communications Commission chair Michael Powell announces his
resignation ….Powell, who leaves in March, used his post to push looser
rules on media ownership and to crackdown on broadcast indecency …. .media
activists are glad to see him go…..
In the aftermath of president Bush’s inaugural address, questions in the
nation’s capital about his pledge to end tyranny in the world and whether
that applies to key U.S. allies like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and
Another bloody day in Iraq as a suicide car bomber kills 14 Shiite
worshippers as they leave a Baghdad mosque …meanwhile the Bush
administration readies another spending package for the war of as much as a
100 billion …that would bring us spending on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars
to 300 billion dollars
Pressure mounts within the Monsanto company over the risks of its
genetically engineered products
Four of the state’s six democrat statewide officer holders attack Governor
Schwarzenegger for breaking his promise to fully fund education in his new
The worst oil spill for wildlife in two years on a stretch of the Southern California coast