Join Malihe and Khalil for this week’s program, during which we will first hear a conversation with Professor George Giacaman of Birzeit University in Ramallah, who is the founder and a board member of Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy. UC Berkeley history professor Beshara Doumani will talk to professor Giacaman about the results of the Palestinian election. Later in the program, we will hear the first part in a series of weblogs written by a remarkable young Iraqi woman giving a human face to war and occupation in her country. The collection of her web logs will be published by Feminist Press in May 2005. For more
information please visit: Also in the program, a
short story by Firoozeh Dumas, author of Funny in Farsi, titled Bienvenidos a
Newport Beach. This story was published in the anthology My California: Journeys
by Great Writers. For more information please visit:
The Middle Eastern and North African Perspectives (MENAP) produces the Voices of the Middle East and North Africa every other Wednesday at 7 PM. To contact us, please call 510-848-6767, ext. 632, or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. For more
information on our program, please visit our web site at