Join Malihe and Khalil for this week’s program, during
which we will first hear a conversation with recently
released Israeli nuclear whistleblower Mordechai
Vanunu, a Moroccan Jew who was imprisoned for 18 years
in Israel, including 11 and a half years in solitary
confinement. Among other topics, Mr. Vanunu will
address his experience as a Mizrahi (or Arab Jew) in
an Israeli society dominated by European Jews.
Later in the program, Iraqi writer and activist Haifa
Zangana will read her recent commentary about the
status of women in Iraq, titled Quiet, or I’ll Call
Democracy!. This commentary was first published in the
December 22, 2004 edition of the British newspaper The
Also, in the program, Iraqi writer and poet Sinan
Antoon will read from his poems.
The Middle Eastern and North African Perspectives
(MENAP) produces the Voices of the Middle East and
North Africa every other Wednesday at 7 PM. To contact
us, please call 510-848-6767 ext. 632, or send us an
e-mail to [email protected]. For more information on our program, please visit our web site at