7:00 am
Casino Gambling Bay Area Round Up. Norman Laforce, Sierra Club’s Statewide Coordinator on Indian Casinos and Legal Chair of the Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter; Robert Goodman, professor at Hampshire College who studies urban planning, regional economics, and state-sponsored gambling. His most recent book is The Luck Business.;
Richard Trudell, Director of American Indian Resources Institute-a legal
advocacy organization; Deron Marquez, tribal chairman, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
8:00 am
Reyna Cowan on film: Pedro Almodovar, "Bad Education," and "Sea Inside"
Followed at 8:25 by Protests over changes at the Castro Theater, guest Monica Knowland.
8:30 am
Sandra Tsing Loh , monologuist "Sugar Plum Fairy" thru Jan 2 at the San Jose Repertory Theater.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Dave Douglas
Title: A Single Sky
Album: Strange Liberation
Label: BMG Music /Arista Associated Labels