7:00 am
PFA Local Election Update. Brian Johns, local election supervisor.
7:20 am
Supreme Court hears medical marijuana arguments. Edward Lazarus, author Closed Chambers: The Rise, Fall and Future of the Modern
Supreme Court.
7:30 am
David Bacon on Labor. 1-day hospital workers strike, and more. John Borsos, Director of Hospital Division at SEIU local 250; Also a guest from the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund re: Chinese restaurant workers targeted by INS.
8:00 am
Ishmael Reed, playwright of Who’s Who In the Tough
Love Game at The Black Repertory Group through December 11;
Deanna Johnson, founder of Multicultural Initiative for the Negotiation of
Diversity and Support Services (MINDS) To contact her: 2515 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94720 510-643-9580 or [email protected].
8:30 am
20th Anniversary of the Bhopal Disaster. Rajan Sharma, primary attorney representing Bhopal survivors since 1999; Rachna Dingra, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal; Gary Cohen, author and executive director of the Environmental Health Fund.