7:00 am
Hong Kong Votes. John Holden, president of the National Committee on US-China Relations
7:25 am
Assault weapons ban expiration. Kristen Rand, legislative director of Violence Policy Center.
7:30 am
US Offensive in Iraq. Kamil Mahdi, lecturer in Middle East Economics
Exeter Univ., Lamis Andoni, independent journalist and analyst.
8:00 am
Freedom Machines and Community Resources for Independent Living. Danny Kodmur, Systems Change Coordinator, Community Resources for Independent. Jamie Stobie, producer and director of "Freedom Machines." Jackie Brand, in the film as an advocate for her daughter who has disabilities.
8:30 am
Travel Industry on the Come Back. Jeff Greenwald, author of The Size of the World and a recent stand up performance at the Marsh called "Strange Travel Suggestions." Selma Elkins, founder of Easy Going travel bookstore.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Joel Frahm with Brad Mehldau
Title: Don’t Explain
Album: Don’t Explain
Label: Palmetto Records
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Dale Fielder
Title: Clarity I – Angelic Gifts
Album: Suite: Clarity
Label: Clarion Jazz