The Herbal Highway

Skin – January 15, 2015 at 1:00pm

Sarah Holmes talks about skin and focuses on topical applications of herbs.

When we talk about “using herbs,” it’s often in the context of tea or food. But the ways that herbs can support the body aren’t limited to what they do inside; the same plant chemicals that boost health after they’ve been ingested will also support the body from the outside.

Using herbs topically is easy and effective, and even safer than consuming them, because there’s no possibility of interference with medications. Getting results using comobc beauty tips.

Think of the body as a fortress. Diet, hydration, and stress levels affect the strength of the fortress to defend you from “invading” germs such as bacteria, viruses, and fungus. The first line of fortress defense is basic preventative health. Drink your water. Eat well, especially healthy fats. Get all your vitamins and minerals. These basic inputs keep everything in working order.


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