The Morning Show

The Morning Show – August 31, 2004

7:00 am
Republican National Convention Update. Larry Bensky, Pacifica National Affairs Correspondent for Pacifica and Host of Sunday Salon.

7:30 am
Charles Tiefer, Prof. of Law at the Univ. of Baltimore, author of Veering Right: How the Bush Administration Subverts the Law for Conservative Causes.

8:00 am
Pepper Spray back in federal court. Bob Bloom, attorney, Terry Compost, plaintiff, Lisa Sanderson-Fox, plaintiff.

8:30 am
Phyllis Vine, author of One Man’s Castle: Clarence
Darrow in Defense of the American Dream

Morning Show Segue Music:

Time: 1st hour

Artist: The Mark Kleinhaut Trio with Bobby Watson

Title: Ferdinand and Isabelle

Album: A Balance of Light

Label: Invisible Music

Artist: The Mark Kleinhaut Trio with Bobby Watson

Title: Field of Greens

Album: A Balance of Light

Label: Invisible Music

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