7:00 am
Update on Iraq
Asad Abukhalil, author of The Battle for Saudi Arabia: Royalty, Fundamentalism, and Global Power, Professor of Political Science at Cal State Stanislaus; Juan Cole, Professor of Modern Middle East History at U. of Michigan, his most recent book is Sacred Space and Holy War. This volume collects some of his work on the history of the Shiite branch of Islam in modern Iraq, Iran and the Gulf.
7:30 am
The Olympics:
The industry, the economics, the controversies, the competition.
Helen Lenskyj, sociology and equity studies professor at the University of Toronto, author of Inside the Olympic Industry: Power, Politics and Activism and Out on the Field: Gender, Sport and Sexualities.
8:00 am
Reyna Cowan on Film:
"Maria Full of Grace" and "Intimate Strangers"
8:30 am
George McGovern, 1972 Democratic candidate for president and author of The Essential America: Our Founders and the Liberal Tradition.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Yo-Yo Ma
Title: Libertango
Album: Obrigado Brazil Live in Concert
Label: Sony
Time: 2nd hour
Artist: Yo-Yo Ma
Title: zzmerengue
Album: Obrigado Brazil Live in Concert
Label: Sony