A California Army National Guard reservist challenges the military’s
stop-loss program in federal court in San Francisco claiming the Pentagon’s
attempt to keep 20-thousand army personnel beyond their time of service is
illegal…. .the law suit is the first of its kind
The State treasurer, members of the State Assembly and some California
business leaders call for the legislature to close a loophole allowing
corporations to avoid their taxes by moving offshore — in name only — to
places like Bermuda and the Cayman islands
A Costco assistant store manager sues the giant retailer for sex
discrimination, saying almost all of Costco’s top managers are men. ..her
lawsuit seeks class action status. . .
Lawmakers gather in Martinez to lend their support to Northern California
grocery workers who face tough contract negotiations… their contract is up
in four weeks
The state of Illinois to help residents buy cheaper prescription drugs from
Canada, the United Kingdom and Ireland. . . ..
A joint resolution in the State Legislature calling on the Congress
to repeal some elements of the USA Patriot Act