7:00 am
Democratic National Convention in Boston. Larry Bensky, Carol Rose, ex. director of the Mass. ACLU, Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange.
7:30 am
Haiti Report Back. Pierre Labossiere, Haiti Action Committee; Robert Roth, HAC and Social Studies teacher at Thurgood Marshall Academic High School in SF; Laura Flynn, HAC and co-author of Hidden from the Headlines: The US War Against Haiti
8:00 am
Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Associate Prof of Geography, American studies and Ethnicity at USC; Steve Fama, Atty. with the Prison Law Office at San Quentin; Judy Greenspan, board member and activist with California Prison Focus.
8:30 am
Jeremy Varon, Assist. Prof. of History at Drew University author of Bring the War Home
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: First Hour
Artist: Lifesavas
Title: Resist
Album: Spirit in Stone
Label: Quannum