7:00 am
Palestinian Authority in Meltdown. Phyllis Bennis, Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, Author of Before and After: US Foreign Policy and the September 11th Crisis. Nadia Hijab, executive director of the Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development
7:30 am
Democratic National Convention Gets Underway. Gwendolyn Mink, Prof. of Womens Studies at Smith College, author of Welfares End and a forthcoming book on the Democratic Party; Matthew Rothchild, editor, The Progressive.
8:00 am
Stretching the US Army. Carl Conetta, co-director of Project on Defense Alternatives, and Michael Hoffman, veteran of Iraq War, founder of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
8:30 am
Marilyn Yalom, senior scholar at the Institute for Women and Gender at Stanford Univ. and author of Birth of the Chess Queen: A History.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: First Hour
Artist: Gerald Wilson Orchestra
Title: Milestones
Album: New York New Sounds
Label: Mack Avenue