Kate Lundquist and Brock Dolman of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center are part of a passionate global movement to bring back our rodent relatives who show us how to heal nature by working with nature.
Kate Lundquist and Brock Dolman of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center are part of a passionate global movement to bring back our rodent relatives who show us how to heal nature by working with nature.
Green Street with Patti and Doug Wood is a weekly environmental health show with news and expert interviews on a broad range of issues, from fracking to fluoride, plastic pollution to PFAS, and artificial turf to wireless radiation.
Jovelyn Richards interviews New York Times film critic Alisa Wilkinson in a new book, We Tell Ourselves Stories. Wilkinson discusses how Joan Didion’s cultural influence through the lens of American mythmaking in Hollywood and Didion’s writings spanning decades illustrated Hollywood’s addictive grasp on American identity.
They struggled for public housing and public transport. They fought to reduce the police force and to have access to public space, so cities were not just playgrounds for the wealthy. More than a century ago, workers battled for the public infrastructure that we take for granted, as part of a larger struggle for socialism. … Continued
Ralph welcomes retired diplomat Ambassador Chas Freeman to discuss the United States’ disregard for international law, the incoming Trump administration’s approach to foreign policy, and the decline of the American Empire (among other topics). Ambassador Chas Freeman is a retired career diplomat who has negotiated on behalf of the United States with over 100 foreign … Continued
Guest: Robert T. Mann is a former professor of mass communication at Louisiana State University and former Congressional aide to Senator Russell Long, Huey Long’s son. He is the author of several books including, Kingfish U: Huey Long and LSU.
Democracy Now! is a daily national independent award-winning news program, hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. This hour rebroadcasts the 6am hour. For daily episode descriptions, see Democracy Now! (6am).
Today’s guests for our weekly Palestine Post segment are: Asa Winstanley is an investigative journalist who writes for the Electronic Intifada, and also an author whose latest book is called Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn. Asa joins us from London. Laila is a Syrian-Palestinian law student and organizer with the … Continued
00:08 — John Feffer is Director of Foreign Policy in Focus. 00:33 — Dr. John Swartzberg, clinical professor emeritus of infectious diseases at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health.
On today’s show: “Lawless”: Marwan Bishara on Israel Bombing Syria 800 Times and Expanding Occupation of Golan Heights South Korea Impeaches President, as Demands Grow for Democratic Reforms Reporter Ken Klippenstein on Publishing Luigi Mangione Manifesto and Internal UnitedHealth PR Memos Denied: ProPublica Exposes UnitedHealth Profiteering Off Limiting Care for Children with Autism