In this episode of the IGDcast, we talked with one of the organizers of #NoNazisAtUF, about the recent demonstrations organized in Gainesville, Florida against neo-Nazi leader, Richard Spencer. We discuss not only the nuts and bolts dynamics of the day, including how organizers were able to get tickets and get inside the speech, how Spencer … Continued

In this episode of the IGD podcast, we caught up with historian, anarchist, and author Mark Bray, who recently published Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook, and is also the author of Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall-Street. Bray is in the middle of a tour across the US, and shares his thoughts about the the kinds of people who … Continued

Repression, counter-insurgency, mass incarceration, and surveillance now pervade all aspects of many peoples lives. In the aftermath of the counter-insurgency war against liberation struggles and black resistance in the 1960s and 70s, both community policing and the militarization of repressive apparatuses began to grow across all aspects of society, but specifically targeting poor black and … Continued

Detractors on the Right claims that they are the only ones opposed to identity politics, but time and time again, we have seen that they are simply promoting another reactionary flavor. On the Left, many people instead push for a diversity of identities to be represented within capitalism. For those that want the destruction of … Continued

This past weekend in San Francisco and Berkeley saw tens of thousands of people hit the streets against a series of far-Right rallies attended by Alt-Right trolls, Proud Boys, and neo-Nazis. The mobilizations showed that there is broad popular opposition to the Alt-Right as antifascist groups, groups of workers, faith based organizations, and a multitude … Continued