October 2010 LSB Meeting Records

October 21, 2010

Draft Minutes of 10-16-10 LSB Meetings

The meeting was held on October 16, 2010 11am-4pm at the Berkeley Senior Center.

1. Call to Order [11:15am]

Meeting was called to order by the Chair.

Richard Phelps, Pamela Drake, Sasha Futran, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Chandra Hauptman, Susan McDonough, Henry Norr, Andrea Prichett, Dan Siegel, Akio Tanaka, Andrea Turner, John Van Eyck, Joe Wanzala, Shahram Aghamir, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Anthony Fest, Renee Yang-Geesler, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

(Richard Phelps took the seat of Banafsheh Akhlaghi who resigned.)

2.  Excusing Absent Members [11:18am]

Naji Ali, Sureya Sayadi, Tracy Rosenberg, Warren Marr

3. Announcements [11:20am]

4. September Agenda Review and Approval [11:26am]

Motion to urge make item 12.1 Budget, time specific at 12:15pm [Brian Edwards-Tiekert]

Motion to end debate. [Passed 12Y-4N]

Main motion. [Passed 11Y-3N]

Motion to put item 11 Unfinished Business after budget, and before all the reports. [Sasha Futran] [Failed 3Y-12N]

5. Next LSB Meeting [11:36am]

6. August Minutes Approval
to make Next Meeting and Minute Approval time specific at 3:45 [Sasha Futran] [Passed 15Y-1N]

7. Public Comments [11:45am]

Mal Burnstein, Donald Goldmacher, Aileen Alfandary, Joanna Graham, Max Pringle, Antonio Ortitz, Sasha Lilley, Virginia Browning, Daniel Borgstrom, Steve, Gilmartin, Stan Woods, David Gans, Felipe Messina, Nick Jones, Barbara Epstein, Aaron Aarons, David, O’ Connel, Jackie Brookner, Wanda Warkentin, Mara Rivera, Polly Wiley, Steve Kessler

12. Budget [12:158pm]

Move to take up for consideration KPFA management budget presented by Maria Negret, the Business Manager.

Maria explained the difference between budget submitted by the Treasurer Simon Pius and one submitted by the management. (Differences are minor. – both were distributed to kpfalsb list.)

Brian Edward-Tiekert, Laura Prives, And Renee Yang-Geesler submitted a Consolidated Budget Motion (see below) which delineates the difference between the two submitted budgets.

Motion to divide the Consolidated Budget Motion into five parts [Dan Siegel]

Motion to change ‘realistic’ in paragraph 1 to ‘’according to CWA contract’. [Shahram Aghamir]

[Failed: 9Y- Richard Phelps, Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Henry Norr, Andrea Pritchet, Akio Tanaka, Joe Wanzala, Shahram Aghamir, Renee Yang-Geesler

11N – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Rych Withers]

Main motion to divide the motion into five parts. [Passed Unanimously]

Motion to remove second paragraph from the Consolidated Budget Motion. [Shahram Aghamir]

[Failed: 9Y- Richard Phelps, Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Henry Norr, Andrea Pritchet, Akio Tanaka, Joe Wanzala, Shahram Aghamir, Renee Yang-Geesler

11N – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Rych Withers]

The vote on the Consolidated Budget Motion that was divided into 5 parts:

Motion 1: The first two paragraphs.

[Passed: 11Y – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

9N- Richard Phelps, Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Henry Norr, Andrea Pritchett, Akio Tanaka, Joe Wanzala, Shahram Aghamir, Renee Yang-Geesler]

Motion 2: First bullet item

[Passed: 12Y – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Renee Yang-Geesler, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

5N- Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Henry Norr, Andrea Pritchett, Joe Wanzala

3A- Richard Phelps, Akio Tanaka, Shahram Aghamir]

Motion 3: Second bullet item

[Passed: 12Y – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Renee Yang-Geesler, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

4N- Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Andrea Pritchett, Joe Wanzala

4A- Richard Phelps, Henry Norr, Akio Tanaka, Shahram Aghamir]

Motion 4: Third bullet item

[Passed: 15Y – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Henry Norr, Andrea Prichett, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Shahram Aghamir, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Renee Yang-Geesler, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

2N- Chandra Hauptman, Joe Wanzala

3A- Richard Phelps, Sasha Futran, Akio Tanaka]

Motion 5:  Fourth bullet item

[Passed: 11Y – Pamela Drake, Sherry Gendelman, Conn Hallinan, Matt Hallinan, Susan McDonough, Dan Siegel, Andrea Turner, John Van Eych, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Laura Prives, Rych Withers

8N- Richard Phelps, Sasha Futran, Chandra Hauptman, Henry Norr, Andrea Pritchett, Aki Tanaka, Joe Wanzala, Renee Yang-Geesler
1A- Shahram Aghamir]

Motion to add full time Development Director for 2010-12011. [Andrea Pritchett]
[Passed: 10Y-6N-3A]

5. Next LSB Meeting [3:45pm]

Motion to have Fundraising Teach-In from 11:00am-1pm, 1hour break, and regular meeting 2:00pm-4pm on November 6. [Andrea Pritchett]
[Passed: 13Y-2N]

8. KFCF Report

9. LSB Committee Report

10. PNB Report

11. Unfinished Business

12. Adjourn
Adjourned at 4:00.


Consolidated Budget Motion

 (Motion 1)

The KPFA Local Station Board supports the efforts of KPFA management to create a budget that is balanced, realistic, and minimizes staff cuts and disruptions to the operations of KPFA.

The KPFA LSB approves the local management version of KPFA’s budget as the best version to work from moving forward.


The KPFA LSB calls on Pacifica National to permit the following measures to further reduce the level of budgeted staff cuts, and to minimize disruption of station operations:

(Motion 2)

  • Spread out repayment of the money KPFA owes Pacifica National over three years – for a savings of roughly 1.25 FTEs

(Motion 3)

  • Suspend KPFA’s payments to replenish the national Heath Endowment fund – for the savings of roughly 0.5 FTEs

(Motion 4)

  • Reduce KPFA’s Central Service Assessment by one percentage point to 18.5 in exchange for KPFA housing the Pacifica National Office, for a savings of roughly 0.5 FTEs.

(Motion 5)

  • Suspend all in-person meetings of the Pacifica National Board, and return 1/5 of the of the savings to each of the five Pacifica stations, for a savings of roughly 0.4 FTEs.

The KPFA LSB further calls on its representatives on the Pacifica National Board to propose, and vote in support of, the measures listed above.