October 2004 Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board Meeting minutes October 23rd, 2004:

Regular Meeting of the KPFA Local Station Board
October 23, 2004 at the Freight and Salvage Coffee House, Berkeley

Minutes were recorded by Eric Park, KPFA Morning Show Assistant Producer.

Members present constituting a quorum:

Carol Spooner, Fadi Saba, Jane Jackson, Willie Ratcliff, Riva Enteen, Ted Friedman, Lisa Rothman, Michael Lubin, Max Blanchet, Mark Hernandez, Sepideh Khosrowjah, Mary Berg, Ann Hallatt, Bonnie Simmons, Steve Conley, Sarv Randhawa,
Gerald Sanders, Marnie Tattersall, Willie Thompson, William Walker, Miguel Molina, LaVarn Williams, Debbie Speer

Absent: Max Pringle

Meeting commences at 11:04am.


EXECUTIVE SESSION ends at 12:42 pm

OPEN SESSION begins at 12:56 pm

Riva Enteen resumes the function of Chair.

I. Introductions and Announcements

LSB Chair Riva Enteen convenes the meeting. Board members introduce themselves and mention recent KPFA programs that they appreciated during the last week.

II. Vote to excuse members’ absences

Absence of Max Pringle is excused.

William Walker moves to approve the agenda/minutes and to move public comments to next item.

Debate ensues.

Amendment by Ted Friedman to allow Election Supervisor Brian Johns to give his report first since he has to leave soon.

Amendment by Mary Berg to hold public comments prior to the approval of the agenda and minutes.


14 in favor, 4 against. Amendment passes

Amendment by Michael Lubin to allow Brian Johns to give his report first, then to have public comments, then to deal with agenda/minutes approval.

14 in favor, 3 against. Amendment passes

The main question is called.

17 in favor, 2 against. Motion as amended passes.

III. Local Election Supervisor’s Report

Brian Johns presents the Local Election Supervisor report and answers questions regarding the LSB elections

IV. Public Comments

V. PC Candidate Statements

Motion by Carol Spooner to give all PC candidates 2 minutes each to give their statements.

Motion passes without objection.

PC Candidates present their statements.

(2:30 pm) Max pleads to LSB to approve agenda quickly.

Motion to reduce agenda item 9 (the Elections Committee Report) to 15 minutes.

Passes without objection.

Max Blanchet moves to make item 9 (Election Committee) the next item after approval of agenda.

Carol Spooner moves to approve agenda as amended.

Passes without objection.

VI. Election Committee

Nicole Milner presents the Elections Committee report and answers questions regarding the committee.

Motion by Max Blanchet: That the LSB send to the National Election Supervisor and the Executive Director our strong reservations about mailing out ballots via Third Class mail over the preferable First Class Mail, and request that the National Election Supervisor and the Executive Director change this decision, provided that this does delay the process any further.

Seconded. Debate ensues.

Mary Berg moves to call to question and end debate.

15 in favor, 7 opposed.  Debate ends.

Call for roll call vote. Passes without objection.

Roll call vote:

Howard Beeman – y

Mary Berg – y

Max Blanchet -y

Steve Conley – y

Ted Friedman – y

Ann Hallatt – abstain

Mark Hernandez – abstain

Jane Jackson – y

Sepideh Khosrowjah – y

Michael Lubin – y

Sarv Randhawa – y

Willie Ratcliff – y

Lisa Rothman -n

Fadi Saba – y

Gerald Sanders –  y

Bonnie Simmons – abstain

Debbie Speer – y

Carol Spooner – y

Marnie Tattersall – y

Willie Thompson – abstain

William Walker – abstain

LaVarn Williams – y

16 in favor, 1 opposed, 5 abstentions. Motion passes

Carol Spooner asks to move agenda.

16 in favor, 4 against. Motion passes.

Motion to approve the minutes of 9/19.


Passes without objection.

VII. Treasurer’s Report

LaVarn Williams presents treasurer’s report.

William Walker announces that KPFA has a new business manager, Lois Withers.

Ann Hallatt moves that the LSB send a welcome letter to new business manager.

Motion passes without objection.

Ann Hallatt moves to accept the treasurer’s report.

Motion passes without objection.

VIII. Programming Committee

Ann Hallatt presents PC Listener Representative Search Subcommittee report.

Ann Hallatt moves to accept the PC Listener Representative Search Subcommittee report and to proceed to elect the PC community representatives using STV.


Amendment to motion by William Walker to keep the original term limit for PC community representatives, ending in 6/30/2005.


Amendment to motion by Mary Berg to extend the term to a year from the date the PC community representatives are seated.


Debate ensues.

Sepideh Khosrowjah calls the question.

Passes without objection.

Vote on replacing original motion with substitute motion.

12 in favor, 8 against. Motion fails.

Vote on Main Motion as amended.

9 in favor, 8 against. Motion passes.

Substitute motion by AH to accept the report and make the PC community representative terms effective till 6/30/06, with the intent that successive terms will be one-year terms.

14 passes, 5 opposed. Motion passes.

The board votes for PC community representatives by secret ballot using STV.

XI. Resolution on Israel Apartheid Wall

Motion by Fadi Saba to approve the resolution on Israel Apartheid Wall to be forwarded to the PNB.


Amendment to motion by Carol Spooner that the resolution not only be forwarded to the PNB but also that it be approved for Pacifica wide editorials.

Passes without objection.

Motion to ask Lisa Ballard if KPFA can move forward with editorials condemning the Israeli separation wall, occupation and illegal settlements.

Motion to end debate.

18 in favor, 1 against. Motion passes

Motion requesting that an editorial be prepared by the GM in consultation with Fadi Saba to be broadcast on KPFA as soon as possible, reflecting the views of LSB as indicated in the previous motion.

Passes without objection.

XII. Result of vote for the PC community representatives

Chris Collins of the KPFA Elections Committee announces the results of the LSB’s vote by the Single Transferable Voting method for community representatives to the KPFA Program Council.

Five votes were needed to win a seat.

Brian K. Shiratsuki and Stan Woods win on first round.

Tracey Rosenberg wins on second round.

Attila Nagy receives the next highest vote count and becomes the alternate community representative to the KPFA Program Council.

— Ted Friedman, LSB Secretary