May 2004 LSB Meeting Records

Regular Meeting of KPFA Local Station Board
May 22, 2004
The Humanist Hall, Oakland, California

Minutes were recorded by Mary Bishop, KPFA Administrative Assistant.

Note: Based on feedback from the Secretary and other Board members, the note-taker has limited the content of the minutes primarily to motions and actions.

Meeting called to order at 11:15am.

Members present constituting a quorum: Jane Jackson, Marnie Tattersall, Willie Ratcliff, Ted Friedman, Debbie Speer, Max Blanchet, Michael Lubin, Riva Enteen (Chair), Gerald Sanders, Annie Hallett, Sarv Randhawa, Mark Hernandez, Lisa Rothman, Steve Conley, Carol Spooner, Sepideh Khosrowjah, Mary Berg

Late Arrivals: LaVarn Williams (11:30), William Walker (11:40), Willie Thompson (11:40), Howard Beeman (11:45), Max Pringle (11:45), Fadi Saba (11:45)

Early Departures: Willie Thompson (1:45)

Absent: Miguel Molina (excused), Bonnie Simmons (excused)
I. Agenda Approval

Opening Comments from Riva Enteen, the Chair: We have a mission to serve the Pacifica Mission. As Chair, my responsibility is to facilitate getting work done. Rudeness is disruptive and not acceptable. I am proposing a consent calendar to determine those things that we may all agree on. Also, Special Orders will be integrated in a judicious manner to be sure we keep moving. We have 18 resolutions to decide on.

Lisa Rothman asked that resolutions i, ii, iv & vi be removed from the Consent Calendar.

Sarv Randhawa asked that resolution iii be removed from the Consent Calendar.

Lisa Rothman made a Motion:
that the Financial Report be allotted 30 minutes instead of 15. Seconded.
No objections.
Motion passes by acclimation.

Willie Ratcliff asked for the removal of the Consent Calendar from the agenda. The Chair recognized the lack of consent and removed the Consent Calendar.

William Walker made a Motion: that the agenda review process be conducted by telephone. The Chair acknowledged that the motion was out of order.

Mary Berg moved to amend the agenda as follows:
to remove the clock times (Special Orders of the Day) and establish item times. Seconded.
Debate ensued.
Vote to eliminate the Special Orders of the Day:
14 in favor, 7 opposed.
Motion passes.

Carol Spooner moved to amend the agenda as follows:
that the time for standing committees reports be extended from 30 minutes to an hour.
Debate ensued.
Vote on the amendment:13 in favor, 4 opposed.
Motion passes.

Motion: to approve the agenda as amended.
17 in favor, 2 opposed.
Agenda approved.
Jane Jackson abstained from the vote because she did not have an agenda that she can read.
II. Minutes Approval

Carol Spooner moved to approve the minutes of 3/27. Seconded.

Riva Enteen asked for a correction to page 8 of the 3/27 minutes as follows: There was not unanimous approval of the majority report.

The Secretary remarked that he is being criticized for not promptly releasing the minutes to the website. He requested the body to approve them in a timely fashion so that they may be posted.

Vote to approve the minutes from 3/27:
10 in favor, 9 opposed.
Minutes approved.

Carol Spooner moved to approve the minutes of 4/17.
Seconded. Debate ensued.

Jane Jackson would like the record to indicate that she didn’t receive the minutes in a font size legible to her.

Carol Spooner clarified that the proper procedure for altering minutes is to ask for corrections during an LSB meeting, not to send them to the Secretary. At that point, the Board can vote to accept the changes or not.

Vote to approve the minutes from 4/17:
5 in favor, 12 opposed.
Minutes not approved.
III. Announcements

Board members spent 10 minutes sharing announcements of community events.
IV. Public Comment

A 30-minute period was allotted for the Board to accept Public Comments.

At the end of this segment, Riva Enteen introduced Liz Guthridge, a parliamentarian invited to observe and be on hand for clarification by the Chair.
V. Financial Report

LaVarn Williams asked that the last session’s resolution from the finance committee to adopt a preliminary board budget be voted upon. She indicated that she would abstain from voting because she brought the budget to the body. Debate ensued.

Vote to accept the preliminary budget:
16 in favor, 3 opposed, 2 abstentions.
Motion passes.
Roll Call breakdown:
In favor: Beeman, Berg, Blanchet, Conley, Friedman, Hallett, Hernandez, Khosrowjah, Lubin, Pringle, Randhawa, Saba, Sanders, Speer, Spooner, Williams
Opposed: Ratcliff, Rothman, Walker
Abstentions: Jackson, Tattersall

Break 2:15-2:30
VI. Date of June LSB Meeting

Carol Spooner made a Motion:
that the next meeting take place on Sunday, June 20th @ 11am.

Mary Berg made a Substitute Motion:
that the next meeting take place on Sunday, June 13th @ 11am.

Sepideh Khosrowjah made a Substitute Motion: to make Saturday, June 12th @ 11am one of the options in a multiple choice vote. Seconded.

There was additional discussion to vote between the choices via Instant Runoff Voting.

Sepideh Khosrowjah made a Substitute Motion:
to have an evening meeting on Monday, June 14th @ 7pm.

Mark Hernandez made a Substitute Motion:
to take June off as a committee month and re-convene in July.


Ballots distributed and tabulated by three audience members.

Results announced at 3:20pm as follows: the next regular meeting of the LSB will take place on Sunday, June 13th at 11am.

Tally as follows:
First round: 12th – 6, 13th – 6, 14th – 2, 20th – 4, none – 3;
Second round: 12th – 6, 13th – 8, 20th -4, none – 3;
Third round: 12th – 7, 13th – 8, 20th – 5;
Fourth round: 12th – 7, 13th – 8
VII. Outreach Committee Resolution #6

Steve Conley made a Motion:
that a monthly Local Station Board radio program be slated to begin broadcast in June 2004.
It was clarified that such a proposal would be sent on to the Program Council for acceptance.

Lisa Rothman proposed an Amendment:
that The Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and the General Manager be the regular guests on any LSB monthly program.
12 in favor, 7 opposed, 2 abstentions (Walker & Conley)
Amendment passes.

Discussion continued on the Main Motion as amended. There was some concern expressed that the amendment had poisoned the Main Motion.

Sepideh Khosrowjah proposed the following Amendment:
that the three LSB officers (and additionally the LSB Secretary) and the GM be invited to contribute to the program but that their appearance on the program is not mandatory.
10 in favor, 8 opposed.
Amendment passes.

Steve Conley spoke to his own Motion as amended. He felt the amendments caused the motion to be unfeasible. He was, however, unable to rescind his Motion at this point in time. There was agreement and dissention about having the General Manager included in the wording of the amendments.

Vote on the amended Main Motion:
10 in favor, 8 opposed, 3 abstentions.
Motion passes.
Roll Call breakdown:
In favor: Beeman, Berg, Blanchet, Hallett, Randhawa, Ratcliff, Rothman, Speer, Spooner, Tattersall
Opposed: Friedman, Hernandez, Jackson, Khosrowjah, Lubin, Saba, Sanders, Walker
Abstentions: Conley, Pringle, Williams

William Walker made a Motion:
to add Annie Hallatt’s comments into the record.
4 in favor, 8 opposed, 5 abstentions.
Motion fails.

Max Blanchet made a Motion:
The KPFA LSB would like to remind the Pacifica National Board and the Executive Director that the time has come to appoint a National Election Supervisor as the first step in initiating the election process at Pacifica. In this regard the KPFA LSB has identified Mr. Kenny Mostern as an individual eminently qualified to play that role and urges the Executive Director to consider him as a viable candidate for that position.

William Walker made a Substitute Motion:
that the election supervisor recommendation be referred back to committee so that more research can be done to find an candidate for election supervisor.

Call the question.

The Chair ruled to table the Substitute Motion after consulting with the Parliamentarian.

William Walker appealed the Chair’s ruling to table the motion.
Appeal seconded.
Vote on the appeal.
15 in favor, 1 opposed.
The Chair’s decision was upheld.

Vote to call the question on the Substitute Motion.
16 in favor, 1 opposed
Calling of the question passes.

Vote on the Substitute Motion:
4 in favor, 14 opposed, 3 abstentions.
Substitute Motion fails.
Roll Call breakdown:
In favor: Hernandez, Pringle, Ratcliff, Walker
Opposed: Berg, Blanchet, Conley, Friedman, Hallett, Khosrowjah, Lubin, Randhawa, Rothman, Saba, Sanders, Speer, Spooner, Williams
Abstentions: Beeman, Jackson, Tattersall

Vote on the Main Motion:
13 in favor, 4 opposed, 4 abstentions.
Main motion passes.
Roll Call breakdown:
In favor: Berg, Blanchet, Conley, Friedman, Hallett, Khosrowjah, Lubin, Rothman, Saba, Sanders, Speer, Spooner, Williams
Opposed: Hernandez, Pringle, Ratcliff, Walker
Abstentions: Beeman, Jackson, Randhawa, Tattersall

Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm