LSB May 2015 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
May 9, 2015 11am-4pm
SEIU Local 1021
100 Oak St.,  Oakland, CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 10 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 10 Approve Minutes 11:15 AM
5 30 General manager’s report 11:25 AM
6 5 Announcements 11:55 AM
8 20 Treasurer’s Report 12:30 PM
9 10 Break 12:50 PM
10 15 PNB report 1:00 PM
11 5 CAB report 1:15 PM
12 5 KFCF Report 1:20 PM
13 Old Business
20     A.  Bylaws amendments (J. Kobren) 1:25 PM
15     B.  Allocation of 2015 budget surplus (A. Prichett) 1:45 PM
15     C.  LSB subcommittees (J. Kobren) 2:00 PM
30     D.  PNB committee assignments 2:15 PM
15 Adjourn 2:45 PM
*Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board Regular In-Person meeting 11am – 4pm
May 9, 2015 at SEIU Local 1021 100 Oak St, Oakland CA

Meeting called to order by Chair Carole Travis. Noting that secretary Craig Alderson was not present,
Margy Wilkinson volunteered to take notes.

*Please note: There is no audio available until the reading of the GM’s report.

Roll Call:
Present: Mal Burnstein, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, David Gans, Cynthia Johnson, Janet Kobren, Jack Kurzweil, David Landau, Samsarah Morgan, Andrea Pritchett, Lewis Sawyer, Frank Sterling, Kate Tanaka, Rames Teon-Nichols, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman, Margy Wilkinson
Absent: Craig Alderson, Virginia Browning, Jose-Luis Fuentes, Donald Goldmacher, Kate Gowen, Mark Hernandez, Joy Moore, Burton White, Rych Withers

Noted: 16 members present and therefore a quorum was achieved.

Absent members were excused without objection.

No minutes were available to consider.

Agenda approval:
CAB report – it was requested and agreed to without objection to add 5 minutes to the CAB report (for a total of 10 minutes).
Moved (by? Seconded by?) to add item #14 “discussion of Gary Null issue”

General Manager’s report (copy attached) was read by Margy Wilkinson as the GM was not present. (Audio begins).  Discussion followed.

Janet Kobren moved, seconded by Andrea Pritchett/David Landau? (my notes say Andrea but later in the recording when it was asked who seconded Janet’s motion it was said that it was David:, that: The KPFA LSB be provided with a revised budget that includes the GM’s proposed and actual un-budgeted spending of the two bequests totaling $958K at the July LSB meeting so that the board can reconsider the 2015 budget and consider other proposals for budgeting that money and approve the updated budget.

This item was moved to later on the agenda without objection.

Margy moved: That the LSB requests that KPFA management prepare a written procedure for requests for special programming. (Seconded by ?)

Janet moved to amend: to include expedited procedures for unusual circumstances.

There were no objections to Janet’s amendment. The motion then read: That the LSB requests that KPFA management prepare a written procedure for requests for special programming, to include expedited procedures for unusual circumstances.

Margy moved to close debate after those on the list had spoken – motion passed without objection. Those on the list were Kate, Andrea, Ramses, and Janet.

Andrea made the following amendment: The General Manager and/or the Program Director will also provide criteria for these decisions so that they can be widely discussed and include input from the CAB.
Vote on amendment: 8 yes/6 no

Question was raised about the meaning of the amendment just adopted. A clarifying discussion.  Brian proposed a 2 minute recess for word smithing.

After break: The following was introduced by Andrea Pritchett: that these words be added to the original motion: The GM and/or PD will also provide criteria for evaluating these requests. These criteria shall be distributed for input including by the CAB.

The final motion agreed to without objection read: That the LSB requests that KPFA management prepare a written procedure for requests for special programming, to include expedited procedures for unusual circumstances. The GM and/or PD will also provide criteria for evaluating these requests. These criteria shall be distributed for input including by the CAB.

Announcements were made.

Public comments were made and there was a 10 minute break.

Treasurer’s report – copy attached.

PNB report made by Margy, Janet Kobren and Brian Edwards-Tierkert.

CAB report was made Carol Wofley. (copy attached)

Frank Sterling moved: We ask that station management shall produce a document stating programming goals for the station and submit it to the CAB for review no later than July of 2015 addressing topics in the CAB report including live video/audio streaming. (seconded by ?)

Margy offered an amendment: change July 2015 to October 2015 – use the language from the March 5, 2010, PNB motion. Seconded by Brian.

Frank proposed Amendment #2: to add after October 1, “including local community news and public affairs, live video and audio streaming and connection to the community.”

Motion amending CAB report changing date to October 1. Yes – 5; No – 3; Abstain –3

Motion as amended: The station management shall produce a document stating programming goals for the station and submit it to the CAB no later than May of each year. Amended by KPFA /LSB to read October 1, 2015 (rather than May).
Passed without objection.

Margy moved that CAB forward the applications for CAB membership and a report on how the positions were advertised and the LSB will act upon this at the July meeting. (seconded by ?)

Passed without objection.
No KFCF report.

Old business – Allocation of 2015 budget surplus

Janet’s motion from earlier in the meeting:

Janet Kobren moved, seconded by Andrea Pritchett/David Landau, that: The KPFA LSB be provided with a revised budget that includes the GM’s proposed and actual un-budgeted spending of the two bequests totaling $958K at the July LSB meeting so that the board can reconsider the 2015 budget and consider other proposals for budgeting that money and approve the updated budget. 

Brian Edwards-Tiekert made a substitute motion, seconded by Barbara Whipperman:
The LSB endorses and ratifies the spending priorities outlined in the first two columns of the General Manager’s report and commits itself to beginning work on a capital campaign to raise money to pay for the items in column 3 with further depleting the reserves created by the station’s windfall bequests.

Vote on substitute motion: Yes 6, No 5, Abstain 1
Vote on substitute as the main motion: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 5

LSB Sub-committees
Janet Kobren moved: That the LSB form an ad hoc sub-committee to look into the issue of PNB committee assignments with up to 5 volunteer members.
Passed without objection

Gary Null issue:
Find Laura Prives message on GN – Janet Kobren.
Discussion ensued.

Meeting adjourned at 4:08 PM.

Regretfully submitted,
Margy Wilkinson