LSB February 2016 meeting records

KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
February 27, 2016, 11am-4pm
SEIU Local 1021
100 Oak St., Oakland, CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1 Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 5 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM
5 5 Announcements 11:15 AM
7 20 General manager’s report 11:50 AM
8 20 GM evaluation 12:10 PM
9 20 Treasurer’s Report 12:30 PM
10 10 2016 meeting calendar 12:50 PM
11 10 Break 1:00 PM
12 PNB
15 A.   PNB report 1:10 PM
20 B.   PNB committees 1:25 PM
15 C.   Directors’ access to employee records 1:45 PM
15 D.   Election timeline 2:00 PM
13 5 CAB report 2:15 PM
14 5 KFCF Report 2:20 PM
15 New Business
15     A.  Review of LSB budget process and reporting obligations 2:25 PM
16 Adjourn 2:40 PM
*Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
February 27, 2016
, 11am-4:00pm
SEIU Local 1021
100 Oak St., Oakland, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Sharon Adams, Craig Alderson, William Campisi, Anthony Fest, José Luis Fuentes*, Sasha Futran*, Sabrina Jacobs, Janet Kobren, David Lynch, Tim Lynch, Joy Moore, Samsarah Morgan, Frank Sterling, Ramsés Teón-Nichols*, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers, Quincy McCoy (ex officio).
*Arrived after roll call.

Absent: Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Kate Gowen, Mark Hernandez, Scott Olsen, TM Scruggs, Leland Thompson, Burton White,

1.  Call to order
Meeting called to order at 11:15 am by chair C. Travis.

2.   Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (B. Whipperman) to excuse all absent members. Approved unanimously by show of hands.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved (M. Wilkinson) to adopt agenda as drafted.

Moved (C. Alderson) to replace item 15.A (Review of LSB budget process and reporting obligations) with remote participation in meetings.

Moved as substitute (F. Sterling ) to move remote participation to 6.5 following public comment.

Moved (J. Moore) to limit discussion to 10 minutes. Approved: 10Y, 1N, 3A.

Moved (R. Withers) to move #10 (2016 meeting calendar) to 7.5 following GM report. Approved: 7Y, 0N, 3A.

On agenda as amended, approved by show of hands, 1 abstention.

4.   Minutes
Moved (M. Wilkinson) to approve minutes of January 23, 2016. Approved without objection, as corrected.

5.   Announcements
M. Wilkinson, F. Sterling, J. Moore

6.   Public comments

6.5.   Remote participation
S. Olsen was linked into meeting remotely. At issue was whether he should be allowed to participate in meeting.

Chair asked for consensus on three-minute speaking limit. No objections.

Chair asked how many members would be interested in exploring way for remote participation. Unanimous show of hands.

On question of allowing S. Olsen to vote in meeting: Failed: 6Y, 8N.

On allowing S. Olsen to speak in meeting: Approved: 8Y, 3N, 2A.

Committee was formed to investigate technical and legal issues of remote participation, consider all issues, and develop proposal for next meeting. Committee members: S. Adams, S. Morgan, S. Jacobs, C. Alderson, J. Kobren, F. Sterling. S. Adams to chair.

7.   GM report (Quincy McCoy)
See GM1, attached.

7.5   Meeting calendar
Moved (M. Wilkinson) to postpone item until arrival of vice chair R. Teon-Nichols. Chair ruled to adjust agenda as proposed.

8.   GM evaluation
J. Moore reported that the first meeting of evaluation committee is scheduled for Mar. 2, 3 pm, at station. Committee members: B. Edwards-Tiekert, C. Travis, J. Moore. S. Futran and S. Jacobs also volunteered for committee. Evaluation process will consist of GM narrative self-evaluation, LSB evaluation, direct staff survey (staff who report to GM), and general staff survey (staff who do not report directly to GM). Questions remain about how to distribute forms, confirm no duplications, and keep confidentiality. Two-month timeline. Forms out by May 3 to allow report to LSB. Committee will gather evaluations but LSB will do actual evaluation and forward to Pacifica executive director.

9.   Treaurer report (B. Whipperman)
Treasurer reported that current financial reports not available for meeting. Pacifica national office (PNO) contributes important data to KPFA financial reports. Payroll for all stations goes through PNO, and then final pay and withholdings are reported back to stations. But that information not available at moment. New Pacifica CFO is bearing down on audits right now; crucial for CPB and audited financial reports. Board could receive financial report but it would be incomplete without PNO data, thus there is no report this month.

Instead, treasurer asked for reports on fund drive performance and fulfillment rates. TR1 is updated report on fund drive that ended in December. TR2 is report on current fund drive.

Budget schedule begins in March, when staff starts working on draft budget. First meeting of business manager, CFO and treasurer is end of March. In past LSB has had ad hoc meetings to provide input itno budget as it is being drafted and before presentation to LSB for vote.

10.   Meeting calendar
Chair conducted straw poll on meeting calendar.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to schedule 6 more meetings between now and December, for a total of 9 meetings in the year. Straw poll showed that majority of members thought that would be sufficient.

Moved (M. Wilkinson) to meet in April, May, July, August, September, November, December on second Saturdays.

Moved amendment (J. Kobren) to dates as follows: April 9, May 14, July 9, August 13, September 10, November 19, December 17. Amendment approved by show of hands, 2A.

Moved (A. Fest) to meet October, not November. Failed: 2Y, 11N, 3A.

On calendar as amended: Approved: 16Y, 0N, 1A.

11.   PNB

PNB committees.
Volunteers were solicited for PNB bodies with the following results:

Audit – J. Kobren, M. Wilkinson, S. Futran
Elections – A. Fest, S. Adams
Governance – B. Campisi, S. Adams
Programming – S. Jacobs, TM Scruggs
Inclusion – M. Wilkinson, S. Morgan
Strategic planning working group – D. Lynch, S. Jacobs

Coordinating committee (open to any member)
Finance – Consists of five directors, five LSB treasurers, Pacifica CFO. No volunteers needed.

Task forces
Affiliates – S. Olsen
Archives – open
Development – J. Moore, S. Jacobs, F. Sterling
Technology – R. Withers, S. Olsen, J. Kobren
Spanish language – S. Jacobs, R. Teon-Nichols

PNB report
J. Kobren reported on meetings of new PNB Jan. 28 and Feb. 4. Meetings were disrupted. Results of election of officers Feb. 4 included chair, Tony Norman (WPFW) and secretary, J. Kobren. Lydia Brazon was extended as interim executive director. In-person meeting at Berkeley being proposed for May or June. M. Wilkinson read report from B. Edwards-Tiekert. J.L. Fuentes reported that WBAI, WPFW, and KPFK are all in trouble. KPFA and KPFT may have to provide money if other stations can’t meet payroll. Pacifica owes $150k for current and past audits. Current audit can’t be completed without payment.

Moved (A. Fest) to adopt resolution regarding WBAI non-representation on PNB. Motion to close debate: Failed: 9Y, 5N.

Moved (J. Moore) to table resolution. Approved by show of hands, 0N, 1A.

12.   CAB
Robin Collins thanked station for allowing CAB to meet and GrassRoots house. CAB community input meeting scheduled for March 26, 2-4 pm, South Berkeley Library.

Adjourned 3:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson