LSB August 2016 meeting records

    KPFA LSB regular in-person meeting
August 13, 2016 11am-4pm
Oakland Public Library, Rockridge Branch
5366 College Ave, Oakland CA
Item # Time* Item Est start time
1   Call to Order 11:00 AM
2 5 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members 11:00 AM
3 5 Approve Agenda 11:05 AM
4 5 Approve Minutes 11:10 AM
5 5 Announcements 11:15 AM
7 20 General manager’s report 11:50 AM
8 60 Treasurer’s Report 12:10 PM
         A. FY2017 budget  
9 10 Break 1:10 PM
10   PNB  
  15 A.   PNB report 1:20 PM
    B.   Work groups’ review of Pacifica situation  
  10       i.  Governance 1:35 PM
  10       ii.  WBAI 1:45 PM
  10       iii.  Pacifica Radio Archives 1:55 PM
11 10 CAB report 2:05 PM
12   Old Business  
  20     A  Directors’ access to employee records – LSB chair’s report 2:15 PM
  10     B.  Motion regarding WBAI non-representation on PNB (A. Fest) 2:35 PM
13   New Business  
  15     A  LSB fundraising 2:45 PM
14   Adjourn 2:45 PM
  *Times are advisory.



KPFA Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting
August 13, 2016
Oakland Public Library, Rockridge Branch
5366 College Ave, Oakland CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at

Present: Sharon Adams, Craig Alderson, William Campisi, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Anthony Fest, Kate Gowen**, Mark Hernandez**, Sabrina Jacobs, Joy Moore, Scott Olsen**, Frank Sterling, Carole Travis, Barbara Whipperman, Burton White, Rych Withers, Quincy McCoy (ex officio).
*Arrived after roll call.
**Participated by remote connection

Absent: José Luis Fuentes, Sasha Futran, Janet Kobren, David Lynch, Tim Lynch, Samsarah Morgan, TM Scruggs, Ramsés Teón-Nichols, Leland Thompson, Margy Wilkinson.

1.   Call to order
Meeting called to order at 11:47 am by chair C. Travis.

2.   Roll call and excusing of members
Moved (R. Withers) to excuse members who provided advance notification of their absence. Approved unanimously by voice vote. Members thus excused were J. L. Fuentes, S. Futran, D.d Lynch, T. Lynch, S. Morgan, TM Scruggs, R. Teón-Nichols, M. Wilkinson.

3.   Approve agenda
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to approve agenda. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

4.   Minutes
Moved (B. Whipperman) to approve minutes of July 9, 2016, meeting as drafted. Approved unanimously by voice vote.

5.   Announcements
J. Moore.

6.   Public comments
Jeff Baker.

7.   GM report (Q. McCoy)
General manager presented his report.

Moved (B. Whipperman): “Be it resolved that the KPFA Local Station Board gives notice to the current acting Executive Director of the Pacifica Foundation that she exercise extreme caution with any actions she takes during this current financial crisis.

“Specifically, the KPFA LSB is thoroughly against the taking of monies from KPFA that would jeopardize the station’s operation or infringe on the KPFA General manager’s overall fiscal responsibility, including the responsibility to see that station employees are paid on the established schedule.”

Approved unanimously by voice vote.

8.   Treasurer report (B. Whipperman)
Treasurer presented fundraising report and financial statement. Business manager M. Negret presented draft budget.

Moved (S. Adams) to accept KPFA budget. Approved: 10Y, 2N, 1A.

9.   PNB

PNB report
KPFA representatives on PNB gave update on PNB matters.

Work groups
C. Travis and S. Adams reported from work groups looking at governance issues, WBAI, and Pacifica Archives.

Moved (C. Travis):

“The KPFA LSB urges the PNB to take seriously the threat of potential collapse of our precious network. The structure that has representatives from five stations and no representatives of a national network has no lines of authority and a habit of micro-managing as much as it can. We urge the PNB to look at structural changes to the bylaws to make it smaller and more functional.

“Pacifica can no longer continue with WBAI draining our resources. Therefore we recommend the PNB immediately issue RFPs for a signal swap of WBAI, sale of WBAI, or leasing of WBAI. One of these options is required.

“With information in hand, a decision must be made. In order to save our precious archives, we call on the PNB to issue an RFP for a proposal on ways in which to deal with saving the archives.”

Moved (A. Fest) to divide question.

Moved (M. Hernandez) as substitute motion: that WBAI be operated remotely from the remaining Pacifica stations and that only the minimum required staff be maintained on site.

Based on discussion, the chair synthesized following motion:

“The KPFA LSB understands that our precious Pacifica network is at risk of financial collapse. After a look at the history of the bleed from WBAI of all of our national resources, we believe that some action is required regarding WBAI. We urge the PNB to explore the potentials and impact of a remotely programmed station, signal swap, local management agreement, and the sale of WBAI.”
Approved: 11Y, 2N.

Moved (S. Adams):

“In order to preserve our precious Archives KPFA LSB urges the PNB to seek RFPs to outsource digitization and storage of the Pacifica Archives, with the provisions that:

“1.         Pacifica would retain ownership of the Archives;

“2.         all Pacifica stations would have access to the digitized Archives to create premiums for fund drives and for other shows;

“3.         would allow the successful proposer to market the digitized Archives and pay a royalty to Pacifica on all the sales;

“4.         require periodic reports from the successful proposer regarding the number of tapes digitized, and sales of archived materials.”

Approved unanimously by show of hands.

Moved (C. Travis):

“The KPFA LSB understands that our precious Pacifica network is at risk. After looking at the structure of the PNB, we think the structure itself is a problem. We urge the PNB to look at the bylaws to restructure the board to be smaller, with broader directorate eligibility and more direct lines of authority to enable improved function; or consider dissolving the national network, splitting the money and the debt based on past liability, and distributing the licenses.”

Moved (B. White) to table motion. Approved by consensus of board.

10.   CAB
Carol Wolfley reported on the CAB’s activities.

11.   New business
Moved (B. Edwards-Tiekert) to suspend rules to take up issue of LSB fundraising. Approved: 7Y, 3N.

Moved (B. White):
“KPFA LSB set as its own fundraising goal that prior to the next KPFA fund drive we establish five (5) matching funds of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) each for use by the station during its next fund drive. It is the intent of this motion that this goal be met by pledges from Board members and their personal contacts.”
Approved: 7Y, 2N, 2A

12.   Old business

Director’s access to employee records
C. Travis reported briefly on issues regarding directors’ access to KPFA employee records.|

Motion regarding WBAI non-representation on PNB
Moved (A. Fest):
“The KPFA LSB calls on the PNB to seat the directors who were elected from WBAI’s LSB.”
Approved: 5Y, 4N

Adjourned 3:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson