June 2011 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
June 18, 2011, 11am-4pm
Sonoma County Library,
Rohnert Park branch
6250 Lynne Conde Way, Rohnert Park, CA

Note: An audio archive of this meeting is available at www.kpftx.org/archive.php

Shahram Aghamir*, Pamela Drake, Anthony Fest*, David Gans, Conn Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Jack Kurzweil, Andrea Prichett, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg*, Tanya Russell, Lewis Sawyer, Dan Siegel, Franklin Sterling*, Akio Tanaka, Kate Tanaka, Andrea Turner, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers; Barbara Whipperman (treasurer), Craig Alderson (secretary), Andrew Phillips (ex-officio)

*Arrived after roll call.

1.         Call to order
Meeting called to order by chair M. Wilkinson at 11:03 am.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members
Chair moved to excuse M. Burnstein, S. Futran, S. Goldmacher, M. Hallinan, H. Norr. Approved without objection.

Chair announced resignation of Richard Phelps. Kate Tanaka welcomed to board.

3.         Approve agenda
J. Kurzweil moved to adjourn at 3:00. Approved: 11Y, 0N, 5A.

4.         Executive session
J. Kurzweil moved to go into executive session. Approved without objection.

Open session called to order 12:00.

5.         Public comments (in order of speakers)
Mike Smith, Barrie Mason, Ben Boyce, Sam Hudnull, Adrienne Lauby

6.         Announcements

a.   T. Rosenberg acknowledged role of KPFA in mobilizing opposition before the California Public Utilities Commission against AT&T/T-Mobile merger.

b.   C. Johnson invited everyone to event on 7/22 at Berkeley Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship.

c.   F. Sterling announced extension to June 24 of deadline for applying to apprenticeship program, and demonstration by Code Pink at air force base, to be covered by the Morning Mix

7.      Minutes
Moved to approve May 21, 2011, minutes. Approved 9Y, 6N, 1A

8.       Interim general manager report (A. Phillips)
See report.

9.         Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)
Whipperman had hoped to have a draft budget for the meeting but station staff have been told not to release any drafts until they are more complete and have been reviewed by the CFO. $394,800 in bank as of 5/31/11; $53,845 in pending bills; $956 more than 30 days old. Only $490 collected so far for the Santa Cruz transmitter. Whipperman reviewed budget process, outlined in TR1. We’re at the point of drafting one to submit to Pacifica CFO. Budget is supposed to be generated between interim general manager, business manager, local finance committee, and CFO. This group hasn’t formally met yet but has been in communication. June 30 is the deadline to compile and distribute draft budgets to LSBs. If we review at July 16 meeting, we will meet July 31 deadline. Proposed two dates for board members to meet and examine draft budget prior to July 16 meeting; board agreed to July 12, 13.

Chair moved to extend discussion extended to 1:55pm; no objection.

Moved (C. Hallinan): “The KPFA LSB directs station management to prioritize the hiring of a development director.” Amended (L. Prives) without objection by maker: “… and develop a development plan.”

Moved (A. Prichett) as substitute motion: “The LSB create a development task force to create a strategic plan for development. This task force will include the interim general manager and members of the LSB. They will explore the hiring of a development directory and the creation of a 1- to 5-year plan for generating funds for the station.” Approved: 8Y, 5N, 2A

Task force volunteers: A. Prichett, C. Johnson, K. Tanaka, A. Tanaka, L. Prives, M. Wilkinson

10.        Committee reports

A.         Pacifica National Board (T. Rosenberg, A. Turner)
See T. Rosenberg’s report. A. Turner announced that Carolyn Birden (KPFK) resigned as PNB secretary. D. Siegel will sit on audit committee. Next in-person meeting is September 2011 in Washington, DC. Pacifica CFO is asking stations to raise $30k, $50k or $60k.

B.         Fundraising (M. Wilkinson)
No report.

C.         Personnel (C. Hallinan)
Hallinan has been having discussions on role of Pacifica in hiring process. Still awaiting Pacifica approval of job descriptions; Pacifica won’t pay for ads. Reported difficulties in getting responses from Pacifica staff. Hopes to settle job description shortly and move ahead with advertising. Distributed forms used previously to evaluate general manager. Wants to start discussion about LSB evaluation of current interim general manager. Nominates L. Prives to take place of Renee Geesler on committee; approved without objection.

Committee members: C. Hallinan, A. Fest, S. Aghamir, A. Turner, D. Siegel, T. Russell, L. Prives

D.         Outreach (A. Prichett)
Committee meeting next Wednesday, June 22. Priority to have presence at Juneteenth; working with Joy Moore and apprenticeship program to develop publicity. Developing literature and material in collaboration with north bay listeners, and would like to have a town hall meeting in north bay. Trying to connect with UC journalism school to increase on-campus presence. Planning to attend Temescal street fair July 10.

Staff reports
A.         CWA (L. Prives)
Awaiting Aimee Allison layoff arbitration decision. Working on questions for unpaid staff survey.

B.         UPSO (A. Fest)
Meeting June 1. Carrie Core attended; discussion over state of station, fund drive, program plans, etc. Also held small meeting this month regarding Franlink Sterling’s court case and how to support him.

Special recognition
Board approved unanimously a special recognition and commendation of H. Norr, who was sailing as a participant in the attempt to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Meeting adjourned 3:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson
LSB Secretary