Talk It Out Radio:Sun 10/4, 7pm: AWARENESS, ACCEPTANCE, and ACTION: Conjectures of a Spiritual Activist in Recovery

Can we change only one person, ourselves, and still effectively change the world? Host, Marlena Willis, talks with Dr. Renato Almanzor about his work as a Transformation Catalyst, where he draws on lessons learned from 30 years of activism for social change and on Buddhism and 12-step recovery programs. Renato Almanzor is committed to transformative … Continued

Talk It Out Radio:Sun 8/9, 7pm: A BIGGER SKY

Often the spiritual teachings that guide us are presented in ways that reflect the dominance of men in our society and do not take into account women’s experiences.  Host, Marlena Willis, talks with Buddhist teacher, Pamela Weiss, about her new book, A Bigger Sky, Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism which weaves memoir with stories of … Continued

Talk It Out Radio: Sun 4/19, 7pm: SILENCE AGAINST VIOLENCE

Even before the Corona Virus there were incidents of violence against Asian people and now with the Corona Virus they have increased. Host, Marlena Willis, speaks with anti-Asian violence activist, Sasanna Yee, as well as a couple of her co collaborators in her work, Josephine Zhao and Seeyaw Mo. Sasanna Yee is the co-founder of … Continued

Talk It Out Radio, Sun, 9/1, 7pm: COMPANIONSHIP AND CONNECTION

Non Violent Communication can help us connect across differences but it can also help us more deeply experience the companionship and understanding that comes with being heard by others in similar situations.  Host, Marlena Willis, is joined by members of her Chronic Illness and Disability Non Violent Communication Practice Group that happens on a conference … Continued

Talk It Out Radio, Sun., 6/30, 7pm: Who Leads, Who Follows, Who Decides

Host, Marlena Willis, explores leadership with insights from Non Violent Communication and Mindfulness Meditation as well as looking at who leads in these communities, with particular focus on recognizing the leadership potential of those who grew up working class and those with disabilities.  This show encourages community participation and will welcome call-ins throughout the show … Continued

Talk It Out Radio – Sunday, June 23, 7:00 pm Inviting the Whole Self In

Talk It Out Radio – Sunday, June 23, 7:00 pm, on KPFA Radio (94.1 FM Berkeley and beyond, or livestream at Inviting the Whole Self In Host Nancy Kahn interviews Dr. Alzak Amlani. Alzak addresses the complexity, joy and challenges of embodying our wholeness.  He offers perspectives, skills and tools to facilitate this inner journey. Moving towards wholeness means … Continued

Talk It Out Radio, Sun, 5/19, 7pm: ARISE AND AWAKEN

Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, who was the founder of engaged Buddhism. Host, Marlena Willis, talks with guests, Antoinette Gonzalez and Victoria Mausisa, co founders of ARISE (Awakening through Race, Intersectionality and Equity), which is a community of mindfulness practitioners and monastics in the Plum Village tradition of Thich … Continued