Malcolm X’s iconic speech given in Detroit: “The Ballot or the Bullet,” on April 12th, 1964.
Malcolm X’s iconic speech given in Detroit: “The Ballot or the Bullet,” on April 12th, 1964.
Malcolm X, James Baldwin and Leverne McCummins discuss the position of the Black Muslims. Broadcast in New York on WBAI, April 25, 1961.
“Prospects for Freedom” a speech at the Militant Labor Forum in January of 1965, Part 1.
“Prospects for Freedom” a speech at the Militant Labor Forum in January of 1965, Part 2.
Malcolm X debating civil rights strategist Bayard Rustin on WBAI the Pacifica station in New York City, November 1960
A speech at Ford Auditorium in Detroit, “Friends and Enemies,” one of Malcolm X’s last speeches given in Detroit in 1965 a week before he was killed. Recorded February, 14th, 1965.
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