The Berkeley Police Department is embroiled in scandal from text messages released that show Sergeant Darren Kacalek instructed officers to arrest 100 homeless people each week, essentially creating an arrest quota, which is illegal in California and against Berkeley police policy. His messages also instructed officers to “Kick ass, arrest people, and have fun” in … Continued

in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, and the national uprising that ensued, California’s legislature passed a bill that would create automatic oversight by the state’s department of justice when unarmed people are shot by police. A new investigation from non-profit newsroom CalMatters shows that the oversight built into that law is, at best, slow … Continued

We’re only a few years into the Biden Administration, but federal immigration policy under his leadership is impacting communities heavily. In this episode, we focus on two stories about how the US is wielding immigration policy – First, a real plan on the table to house detained and undocumented migrants in the notorious Guantanamo Bay … Continued