On today’s episode, Laura Jedeed joins us to discuss her experience embedding with a right-wing “Constitutional Defense” and handgun training camp in Texas, about which she recently wrote an article for The New Republic. Laura Jedeed is an investigative and features journalist based in New York City. She often writes about housing justice, military interventionism, and … Continued

On today’s show, we examine the upsurge in violence against the transgender community. Insider spent 18 months investigating the murders of 175 transgender people over the span of five years, resulting in a published series called “Deaths in the Family.” They found that that murders of trans people have doubled over the last three years, … Continued

On today’s show, we examine the upsurge in violence against the transgender community. Insider spent 18 months investigating the murders of 175 transgender people over the span of five years, resulting in a published series called “Deaths in the Family.” They found that that murders of trans people have doubled over the last three years, … Continued

The industry behind police consultants is vast – ProPublica recently published an investigative piece focusing on the fake science used to justify one branch of that consulting – 911 call analysis. Brett Murphy is an investigative journalist with ProPublica. His latest piece is called: “They Called 911 for Help. Police and Prosecutors Used a New … Continued

In this episode, we explore the pending January 9th eviction of Oakland’s Wood Street encampment – the largest of its kind in the city. At the same time, encampment residents are preparing for historic rainfall and potential flooding in the coming days and weeks. We’re joined by Wood Street resident John Janosko as well as … Continued