Discussed in this episode: Wastewater monitoring seems to show COVID levels have peaked, after a summer wave much larger than in recent years. For the first time, H5N1 avian influenza has been confirmed in California. The California Department of Food and Agriculture confirmed it in three dairy herds, all of them in the Central Valley. There are … Continued

Discussed in this episode: Key COVID-19 prevalence indicators suggest the current surge of COVID-19 infections is the largest summer wave ever, with infections extra-concentrated in the western United States. Test positivity is at its highest since the Omicron wave, but hospitalizations and deaths are comparatively low. COVID levels in sewage samples are particularly high around … Continued

Discussed in this episode: There appears to be a summer surge in COVID activity: test positivity, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations are all trending up. New research seems to confirm one mechanism behind Long Covid symptoms is auto-immunity:  in response to infection, the body starts producing antibodies that go on to attack parts of the … Continued