Stuart Woods (1938-2022) who died on July 22, 2022 at the at the age of 84, wrote over one hundred novels in a career spanning forty years. In this interview recorded May 10, 1993 with Richard Wolinsky and Richard A. Lupoff, he discusses his recent novels L.A. Times and New York Dead, as well as his career and his dealings with Hollywood.
Best known for his first novel, Chiefs, published in 1981, most of Stuart Woods’ books featured a former NYPD detective turned attorney named Stone Barrington, a former NYPD detective turned attorney. There were other series featuring CIA operative Holly Barker, Santa Fe defense lawuer Ed Eagle, Senator, later President William Henry Lee and a 1930s detective named Rick Barron. His characters appear in the same universe and often appear in each others’ novels.
To date, IMDb just two lists the two miniseries mentioned by Stuart Woods in the interview, Chiefs and Grass Roots. A third novel, White Cargo, is said to be in pre-production. Wikipedia lists four posthumous Stone Carrington novels, the first, Distant Thunder, has a publication date of October, 2022. Both L.A. Times and New York Dead are still in print.
This interview was digitized and edited in August, 2022 by Richard Wolinsky, and has not aired in nearly thirty years. (cover photo: Jeanmarie Woods).