Animal Allies

Sarah James & Duke Lankard · Protectors and Allies of Life

Sarah James

Yesterday was a busy Epiphany – Georgia earned miracle, storming of Capitol by Duck Dynasty, and the opening of bidding for oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which turned out to be “an epic failure.”

The assault on the Capitol was/is simultaneous with the assault on the Arctic.

Caroline hosts, allies of life, Sarah James, Neet’sai Gwich’in elder, indefatigable protector of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge for over 50 years, and Eyak Native Dune Lankard, Founder and President of the Native Conservancy, whose people have called Cordova, Alaska home for over 3500 years.

Dune Lankard (both photos: Native Conservancy)

More about Sarah James & Duke Lankard: and