Law & Disorder w/ Cat Brooks

Samora Pinderhughes on The Healing Project @ YBCA and his album Grief

Berkeley-raised, Julliard-trained pianist Samora Abayomi Pinderhughes has designed and curated an exhibit at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts entitled The Healing Project. Fundamentally an abolitionist project, The Healing Project explores particularly the prison industrial complex through music, visual arts, film, a digital library of audio interviews. The works are rooted in interviews and relationships that Pinderhughes has fostered since 2011 and have been formed by over 100 storytelling and artistic collaborators. At the center of the project are the intergenerational voices of individuals across the country, including folks incarcerated in prisons and detention centers. Their stories, experiences, and ideas serve as the foundation for The Healing Project’s vision for transformation.

Follow Samora Abayomi Pinderhughes on Twitter:
Buy Samora’s music:
Check out The Healing Project at YBCA:

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