Don't Believe The Hype

Richard Walker on The Dark Side of Tech

The Dark Shadow of Tech on the S.F. Bay Area.

Richard A. Walker is professor emeritus of geography at the University of California, Berkeley where he taught from 1975 to 2012. He has written on a diverse range of topics in economic, urban, and environmental geography, with scores of published articles to his credit. He is co-author of The Capitalist Imperative (1989) and

The New Social Economy (1992) and has written extensively on California, including The Conquest of Bread (2004), The Country in the City (2007) and The Atlas of California (2013). Walker is currently director of the Living New Deal Project, whose purpose is to inventory all New Deal public works sites in the U.S. and recover the lost memory of government investment for the good of all.


Sasha Lilley is a writer and radio broadcaster. She’s the host of KPFA’s critically acclaimed program of radical ideas, Against the Grain, and the series editor of PM Press’ political economy imprint Spectre. Her books include Capital and Its Discontents and Catastrophism:,The Apocalyptic Political Collapse and Rebirth.