Law & Disorder w/ Cat Brooks

Reforming CA’s LWOP sentencing – SB300 with Candace Chavez Wilson

The California State Senate will make a final decision on Senate Bill 300 in the next two weeks. Authored by Senator Dave Cortese out of San Jose, SB300 would change the circumstances under which someone could be sentenced to Life Without Parole (LWOP). Joining us to discuss explore the bill itself and the role of LWOP as a mandatory charge is Candace Chavez Wilson is a member of FUEL: Families United to End LWOP, an employee of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, and her husband is a commuted LWOP. Candace is also a member of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners and Essie Justice Group.

Links for Candace Chavez Wilson:
Felony Murder Elimination Project:
Families United to End LWOP:
Drop LWOP Coalition:
California Coalition for Women Prisoners:

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