Law & Disorder w/ Cat Brooks

MLK’s Radical Legacy w/ Walter Riley & Malkia Cyril

On Monday, the world will honor the birthday of one of the greatest leaders of all time – Dr Martin Luther King Jr. For many, the legacy people celebrate is white washed and sanitized. King was a revolutionary, who believed in interrupting business as usual and had the courage to stand up to white supremacy no matter the cost. He told the world that America was the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet, and for it, he was assassinated. Today we’ll discuss King’s radical legacy with guests Malkia Devich-Cyril and Walter Riley. Malkia Devic-Cyril is an activist, writer and public speaker on issues of digital rights, narrative power, Black liberation and collective grief. Devich-Cyril is also the founding and former Executive Director of MediaJustice. Walter Riley is an activist, civil rights lawyer and chair of the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund. His political organizing work goes back to the civil rights movement in the Jim Crow south, originally from North Carolina.


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