Corona Calls

Corona Calls for 03.04.2024 – New Population Studies on Long Covid

Discussed in this episode:

  • The CDC has updated its COVID vaccine guidance to recommend adults age 65+ get an additional dose of the latest COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The CDC has also weakened its guidance on how long to isolate when sick with COVID-19, to make it the same as for other respiratory virus infections. (We discussed the merits of this two episodes prior, when the proposed change was leaked).
  • Two new population studies show enduring cognitive impacts from COVID-19 infection. One tracked 113,000 people in England. The other tracked 112,000 people in Norway.
    • The less-than-awful news: both studies show less impairment in people with milder cases; additionally, the study in England shows less impairment from the present variant of covid (Omicron) than the original, and less in vaccinated people than unvaccinated.
    • The bad news: the England study shows average impairment increases with each successive infection; the Norway study seems to show the memory-function gap between infected and uninfected people increases over time after the infection.

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Podcast music credit:  Now Son by Podington Bear, licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.