Hard Knock Radio

Political Roundtable Discussion: Activists, Journalists, and Organizers Address Local Elections

In a pivotal roundtable discussion hosted by Davey D of Hard Knock Radio, key figures in the Bay Area’s political landscape came together to dissect the implications of the upcoming elections. The panel included notable activists and journalists such as Tim Redmond of 48 Hills, Chaney Turner, Oakland Commissioner, Shanti Singh, Legislative and Communications Director with Tenants Together, and Aurora Castellanos, Field Director with Power California.

### National and Local Impacts of Global Events

The conversation opened with reflections on the current political climate, particularly the ongoing conflict in Gaza and its potential effects on voter sentiment. Tim Redmond emphasized the significance of the situation:

> “I think it’s definitely going to affect things nationally… The Middle East is clearly… going to have a very significant impact.”

Redmond noted that swing states, particularly those with substantial Muslim and Palestinian populations, may see a shift in voter turnout due to dissatisfaction with current leadership. He expressed concern that this discontent could lead to lower voter turnout among traditionally Democratic voters, stating:

> “What makes me nervous… is that some may say, ‘Kamala Harris isn’t either,’ and that’s enough, possibly, to swing the election in some areas.”

Shanti Singh echoed these sentiments, highlighting the demoralization among young voters, many of whom view Gaza as a critical social justice issue. She remarked:

> “It’s very demoralizing for a lot of traditionally Democratic voters, including, and especially young people.”

### Key Propositions and Local Elections

As the discussion shifted toward local elections and propositions, the guests highlighted several critical measures that voters should pay attention to. Redmond urged listeners to focus on Proposition 33, which aims to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Act, allowing for expanded rent control:

> “Localities, cities, and counties can make their own decisions on rent control. It’s a really key measure.”

Aurora Castellanos stressed the importance of Proposition 5, which would enable local governments to pass affordable housing bonds with a lower voting threshold:

> “It’s about bringing local control back to our local communities… local voters and their communities get to decide the things that are going to be passing.”

Conversely, both Shanti Singh and Aurora Castellanos advocated for a “No” vote on Proposition 36, arguing that it would lead to increased mass incarceration:

> “Incarcerating our communities does not solve the problem,” said Castellanos, emphasizing the need to invest in community resources instead.

### Community Organizing and Voter Engagement

The panelists discussed the necessity of mobilizing community members, especially young voters, to participate in the upcoming elections. Chaney Turner highlighted the importance of grassroots activism:

> “People need to research why… real estate developers are so interested in recalling progressive electeds.”

Turner called attention to the ongoing recall efforts in Oakland, urging residents to understand the motivations behind these initiatives and to support candidates committed to affordable housing and community welfare.

As the discussion wrapped up, each panelist encouraged listeners to engage with local voter guides and to remain informed about the candidates and propositions impacting their communities.

### Conclusion

This roundtable discussion provided valuable insights into the intricate relationships between global events, local politics, and community engagement. With critical elections approaching, the voices of activists, journalists, and organizers remain vital in shaping voter awareness and driving turnout in the Bay Area.

For more information on propositions and local elections, visit Power California’s voter guide at [powercaaction.org](http://powercaaction.org) and check out the resources from 48 Hills at [48hills.org](http://48hills.org).

Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.