Law & Disorder

Returning Home to Our Bodies w/ Abigail Rose Clarke – Spring Fund Drive Special

On todays show, some more healing justice for your life and for the world.  Activist, author and somatics professional Abigail Rose Clarke joins us to discuss her new book Returning Home to Our Bodies which reminds us that truly meaningful embodiment practice nurtures our relationships among self, nature, and community.

FUND DRIVE SPECIALPledge $100 – and receive a copy of Returning Home to Our Bodies by Abigail Rose Clarke With methods honed over decades of inquiry, teaching, and practice, Returning Home to Our Bodies provides a lucid, body-based model of healing and restoration—one that imagines a world beyond systems of domination, marginalization, and isolation to nurture embodied, whole-community liberation.

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $100 and receive a black zippered sweatshirt celebrating the first year anniversary of KPFA’s newest current affairs program Law & Disorder – on the front it has KPFA’s logo, and on the back, the logo of Law & Disorder with Cat Brooks & Jesse Strauss, with the show’s tag-line: Expose, Agitate, Build.


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